With the increasing number of pet lovers in modern society, individuals tend to encounter more problems involved with pets such as pet adoption, pet breeding and finding lost pets. Petsist is a help-seeking and problem-solving community, a reality interactional platform, especially for pet lovers.
To find out what kind of problems that pet lovers would encounter most and their tendency of seeking help from neighbors living in the same community or nearby communities, 66 pet lovers ranging from 16 years old to 51 years old, including students, workers, retirees, were investigated with the questionnaire. The diagram below demonstrates the most valuable information from the research.
The statistics indicate that:
- Pet lovers are prone to encounter pet-related problems when they are not home.
- A considerable number of pet lovers don’t exactly know how to adopt a real pet.
- Most pet lovers would be willing to take care of neighbor’s pets or seek help to a neighbor if they are familiar with the neighbor.
- Pet lovers tend to agree that there is no efficient and proper methods to find their pets if pets are stray.
Daily Help
Urgent Help
Petsist is designed to associate pet lovers who live in the same community or nearby communities, helping to deal with daily pet issues, constructing a new pet community. Since the app associates pet lovers who live in the nearby, it is more convenient and feasible for a series of pet help.
Petsist is centered on solving pet lovers’ problems which simultaneously decrease the number of stray pets. Besides, PETSIST is also an app helping pet lovers to find someone else who share the same interest. By all those interactions with different pet lovers within a community or nearby communities, individuals are endowed opportunities to find new, interests-shared friends.
Process Analysis
In general, Petsist is divided into three primary functions:
- Share daily pet life to help other pet-loving neighbors to get to know you;
- Issue daily help that problems of caring pets; release urgent help such like you lost your pet a few minutes ago;
- Browse posts and help, interacting with people.
Process Framework
Process Manuscript
Dynamic Display
Main Interface
Choose Community, Browse and Like
Personal Page
Liked, Personal Chat, Setting